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Stay Safe, Kids.


Here a few tips and tricks we put together for future cyclists. Encourage safe riding to continue riding!


A head injury can mean brain injury.

Wear a bike helmet every time you ride

Your bike helmet should fit you properly; not too big, not to small. Don’t wear a hat under your bike helmet as that stops your helmet from doing its job properly.


How to wear your helmet properly:

It should be worn level and cover your forehead.
Don't tip it back so your forehead is showing.

The straps should always be fastened and tight enough so you can't pull or twist the helmet around on your head.

The Pefect Fit and the Perfect Bike
  • When you're on your bicycle, stand straddling the top bar of the bike so that both feet are flat on the ground.

  • There should be 5 to 10 centimeters of space between you and the top bar.

  • Make sure your seat, handlebars, and wheels fit tightly. Also, make sure that your chain isn’t too loose!

  • Check and oil your chain regularly.

  • Check your brakes to be sure they work well and aren't sticking.

  • Check your tires to make sure they have enough air and the right amount of tire pressure, do so each season!

    Generally, maintain your bike after the winter season, if you don’t ride it.


Make sure your bike is the right size for you so you can have an easier time riding it. You should maintain your bike so that it will do what you want, when you want!

Look Good!

What you wear can keep you safe!



Make sure you or your bike can be seen. Bright clothes and reflective stickers or attachments can keep you from being hit.


You may want to wear biking gloves, they can protect your hands and also give you a better grip on your handle-bars.



Make sure that your clothes won’t get caught in the moving parts!

-Try tucking the right leg of your pants into your sock to keep it from getting into the chain.



Also, try not to wear open shoes your feet can slip off of the pedals more easily.


Grounds to Cover
  • Try to ride on the sidewalk if you’re new to biking, you want to make sure you’re a good enough cyclist before hitting the streets.

  • Keep an eye out! Cars will be backing up, opening their doors and turning, make sure you’re aware of your surroundings when biking.

  • If you’re crossing a large, busy intersection try walking your bike across. This prevents the possibility of you falling off your bike while crossing.

  • Share the space! Try to be considerate to others using the area you’re biking. Other cyclists, pedestrians and strollers are potential obstacles you can encounter.

  • Keep an eye on the road ahead so you can be prepared for big hills and road obstacles. Terrain can get in your way, and can prevent your bike from rolling smoothly!

On the Road.

If you're riding on the street, follow these road rules:


  • Ride with your hands on the handlebars.

  • Check for traffic in both directions when leaving your driveway, an alley, or a curb.

  • Cross at intersections or road coreners. When you pull out between parked cars, drivers can't see you coming.

  • Walk your bike across busy intersections using the crosswalk and following traffic signals.

  • Ride on the right-hand side of the street, so you travel in the same direction as cars do. Never ride against traffic.

  • Use bike lanes or designated bike routes wherever you can.

  • Don't ride too close to parked cars. Doors can open suddenly.

  • Stop at all stop signs and obey traffic lights just as cars do.

  • Ride single-file on the street with friends.

  • When passing other bikers or people on the street, always pass to their left side and let them know you’re there!

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